Edward Khoury Profile



- Managing Director: Form Designs Australia Pty Ltd
- Practising Member: Design Institute of Australia (#5598)
- Industrial Designer: NHDID, Technikon Witwatersrand School of Art & Design, South Africa: 1994
- Holder of in excess of 300 patents as Inventor or Co-Inventor
- Ernst & Young Business Personality of the Week Award: 1993
- Good Design Award Winner: 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019 & 2019
- Australia by Design Innovation Series Judge: 2017, 2018 & 2019
- Published in Curve Magazine: Issue 36 2011


Edward Khoury is a leading figure in industrial design in Australia, creating innovative products for individual entrepreneurs as well as securing major design contracts with large corporations. Khoury qualified as an industrial designer in 1983 after serving two (2) years in the South African Defence Force in the Department of Director Force Training. Khoury founded Form Designs in 1982 to pursue his passion for design and innovation, and for 14 years led the largest industrial design company in Johannesburg, South Africa. In 1994 Khoury obtained his Higher National Diploma in Industrial Design and lectured part time at the school of Art and Design in Johannesburg.

After moving to Perth in 1996 he re-established Form Designs (Australia) with his wife Sharon. In the ensuing years he built up a considerable reputation working for both major corporations and individual inventors, and is now the leader in the wider Australian and global market for innovation and design.

In his 32 years’ experience, Khoury has established strong relationships with clients and manufacturers around the world. Khoury’s impressive list of clients includes DeLonghi in Japan, Phillips in Holland, Telkom Group, 3M and Symo Corporation in South Africa, Hafele and Rommelsbacher in Germany and Strix in the UK. Amongst his local portfolio is the Marine Infrastructure Project for Global Marine Enclosures, the Blazaball, a new innovation for Woodside, the Lions Eye Institutes Portable Eye Imaging Device used in the International Space Station, the Schuetz DSL Dip Tube, ToLife Technologies Lice Comb Technology, 300K Enterprises Light Fitting Adaptor, the Uccello Kettle, Globaltech Corporation’s Pathfinder, a number of designs for Barrett Communications, Tieline’s ViA Portable Codec, Louver Designs for Arcadia and Intium Engergy’s Conveyor Belt Monitor to name a few.

Khoury has registered over 300 patents and designs on projects over the past three decades, which is testament to his ability to innovate.



- Parktown Boys: Matriculated 1978
- South African Defence Force: Department of Director Force Training: Rank Full Corporal: 1980
- National Diploma (ID), Technikon Witwatersrand School of Art & Design, South Africa: 1983
- National Higher Diploma (NHDID), Technikon Witwatersrand School of Art & Design, South Africa: 1994
- Part Time Lecturer, Technikon Witwatersrand School of Art & Design, South Africa: 1994-1996
- Australian Institute of Management: Senior Manager: 1995


- Ernst & Young Business Personality of the Week Award: 1993
- Award for Unique Design of Q Cart (Medical Trolley) for Watson Plastics South Africa: 1994
- Award for Original Design of Soccer Goals (Sporting Equipment) for Flexigoal: 1996
- Developed products in the appliance industry resulting in major exhibitions in Germany & China
- Published in Curve Magazine Issue 36: 2011
- Australia by Design Innovation Series Judge: 2017, 2018 & 2019
- Holder of in excess of 300 patents as Inventor or Co Inventor


Khoury has been recognised for the way he grew and managed his industrial design business being awarded the Ernst and Young Business Personality of the Week Award in 1993.

Khoury’s designs have been recognised amongst elite industrial design products in the country. He has been honoured by the Design Institute of Australia for exceptional product designs on numerous occasions:

Design Institute of Australia & Western Australia Awards:

- Winner: Best In Class: Blazaball (Product Design: Housewares & Objects): 2019
- Winner: Tough Nut Tools (Product Design: Hardware & Building): 2019
- Winner: Aquarius Gen 2 Barrier (Product Design: Commercial & Industrial): 2019
- Winner: Tieline ViA Codec (Product Design: Commercial & Industrial): 2018
- Selection: VComb (Product Design: Medical & Scientific): 2015
- Selection: Hot Teaze (Product Design: Domestic Appliances): 2017
- Commendation: Club Whizz (Product Design: Industrial): 2012
- Commendation: Connex (Product Design: Industrial): 2010
- Commendation: Schuetz DSL (Product Design: Industrial): 2010
- Commendation: Schuetz DSL (Product Design: Industrial) (WA): 2010

Khoury has also delivered award-winning designs for many of his clients:

Tieline ViA Portable Codec
- Radio World US Best of Show (NAB): 2016
- Radio World International (Europe) Best of Show Award (IBC): 2016

Cyclevision, Bicycle Helmet
- Winner: Best Pipeline Product Award, Tropical North Queensland Innovation Awards: 2016

Intium Energy, Conveyor Belt Monitor
- WA Innovator of the Year: 2011
- Austmine Innovation Award: 2013

300K Enterprises, CONNEX Light Fitting Adaptor
- (C)-Star Award Tasmania
- The New Inventors ABC 1 Episode Winner

Club Whizz
- Design Institute of Australia “Outstanding Design Award”: 2012

Rimm Industries, Clever-Peg
- Australian Design Mark, Australian Design Awards: 2007