Goldie Pot - Plastic Crab Pot


Goldie Pot Project Brief

Crab Pots, the way we know it, have essentially not changed for decades, possibly due to their simplicity and effectiveness and a relatively low cost. However, the environment for change, especially regarding cruelty to animals and protecting the environment is ripe. It is a known fact that the majority of crabs caught need to be returned to the ocean as the size is not legally acceptable, however, it is not uncommon for smaller crabs to lose their claws and even for females to be damaged and lose their egg while removing them from the existing crab pots. This is due to the flimsy nature of the nets that crab pots are made from. Designing a new product made from new materials that considers the environment, effectiveness and cost is the subject of a proposed development.

Goldie Pot design

The Plastic Crab Pot has been designed to catch crabs effectively. It is focused on simplicity, effectiveness and a relatively low cost. The die-cut, thin, plastic sheet spreads up into a basket shape and collapses easily for effective storage and functionality. Compared to other existing crab nets on the market, the device is less likely to tangle which reduces injuries and harm to small, undersized, crabs that need to be returned to the ocean. The Crab Pot has been designed to remain flat on the seabed and forms into a basket shaped “Pot” when the device is being held or carried.