Captain Grip - Towel Seat Clip



Concept Development, Design Engineering & Documentation, Patent Consultation & Support, Prototype & Test Procedures, Design Specification, Project Management, Graphics: Packaging Design & Instruction Manual, Marketing: Branding.


The aim of the Captain Grip project was to design a mechanism to protect car seats from wet and sweaty bodies. People who engage in recreational activities such as swimming, going to the beach, working out at the gym, or muddy sports, often have a problem protecting their car seats. The usual improvised solution is to place a towel on the seat to avoid contaminating, soiling, and damaging the car seat. This method is not very effective, as there is nothing to hold the towel to the seat. The Captain Grip is a simple innovation that aims to improve this process.


The Captain Grip is a sleek and unobtrusive clip that secures a towel to the car seat. The Captain Grip sits beneath the head rest, ensuring that the towel is fastened securely to the seat and will not fall down. The innovative design allows the towel to be easily wedged into the clip for minimum fuss, and after the trip the towel is easily unclipped for washing if needed.  The clip has been designed with concern for the ergonomics of a standard car seat and is shaped to be unobtrusive, so that it can remain a permanent fixture underneath the head rest.

The Captain Grip is designed to be an affordable, effective, and simple to use product that will help people to care for their car seats.